Blue Scorpion Facts

I am not what you would call a particularly religious person, but I am very spiritual. God has given us everything we need if we just can become one with the universe. Nature itself can offer solutions to our concerns and most recently I was introduced to the Blue Scorpion and its potential health benefits to humans. Being the researcher I am, I began to look for Blue Scorpion Facts.

Blue scorpion

Amazed by some of the Blue Scorpion facts I discovered, I was especially drawn to a product endorsed by Dr. OZ called Blue Scorpion Venom Peptide

Next, I was even more intrigued after listening first hand to Dr, Bryce Wilde and the founder of MRVL Health, Rick Langley on a business call. As the MEDICAL ADVISORY from the Dr. OZ SHOW, Dr. Wylde, recently endorsed MRVL Health Immune Support™.  On our call they both gave us more Blue Scorpion facts. This system features Blue Scorpion Peptide CTX™ and is  DOCTOR RECOMMENDED.

Next they explained more about it. Naturally our immune system is designed to fight off many viruses that we may come in contact with on a daily basis. Sometimes this defense system becomes tired and worn down. When this happens virus cells can break through our system and begin reproducing. So it only makes sense that our immune system will be more equipped to fight off all the virus cells after it is excited by natural minerals and amino acids. This can result in a life of good health, higher energy and more focus!!!

More about MRVL

Other Reported Benefits

  • Relieves pain
  • Relieves inflammation
  • Improves energy, sleep and appetite

At first before researching Blue Scorpion facts, all I heard was SCORPION and VENOM. Now I am much more informed about the potential benefits. In fact Cuba has been researching the Blue scorpion venom and the treatment of cancer patients for over 20 years. The venom of the blue scorpion “Rhopalurus junceus”, an endemic species from Cuba, has been extensively studied and shows to be promising in the treatment of some types of cancer. To be clear, MRVL does not put pure venom in their product. They extract these priceless treasures from the venom through a proprietary process that creates Blue Scorpion Peptide CTX™.

Blue scorpion

MRVL Health™ proudly provides a product that supports the body’s natural immune system. Try MRVL Health Immune Support™ for a stronger, healthier YOU!

If you are seriously into the science, watch the video below!

Blue Scorpion venom is the world’s most expensive and rare liquid.

You will hear from the Co-founder and CEO and from Dr. Bryce Wylde B.Sc. Hons., DHMHS. As seen on Dr. Oz!