Family History Search Sites

I love genealogy and have a great deal of experience in this area! But no-one knows about family history search sites better than Gina! While I have been on a journey of my own with family history, Gina has been my guide and mentor. You can also learn a lot from her recommendations, her experience and the process she follows.


Gina’s Genealogy

The beginning of a twenty year search for my ancestors began with a conversation when looking at a photo album with my mother. I realized that my siblings and I would not know who the people in the photo album were when my mother was no longer with us. As we discussed further, it became clear that there was a lot of family history information in Vermont and so began the summer journeys to New England and Quebec, Canada for town and state/providence records as well and cemetery locations and burial markers and headstones. It became quickly evident that a computer program would be an essential component for organizing our findings and FamilyTree Maker was incredibly user friendly and both my mother and I could collect and exchange our findings as we lived in separate locations.

How to begin!

Genealogy: Begin with the people you know.  Start with parents, grandparents and when possible, great-grandparents.  I was the daughter of a military man and did not grow up living near my extended family (cousins, aunts, uncles or grandparents) so I relied on the numerous conversations with my mother to start the family tree.  Some of the resources included a family Bible that belonged to my great-grandfather, some research papers that belonged to my grandmother and several photo albums.

Family History Resources

I have used many family history search sites. I began by using Family Tree Maker when I started my research almost 25 years ago. It was a great way to keep track of the relatives and I have over 13,000 names in my family tree. A great resource is and you can add your information to the world family tree is you want.  I also use but there is a charge to use the resources and not all family trees are open for viewing.  One of the most interesting discoveries for me was through the Ancestry DNA test that I did a few years ago.  I had several people reach out to me when they discovered that our DNA match.  The most amazing match was when I discovered that I have a half-brother who was unknown to my family.   

Popular web links that I use(d):

I have discovered a site that you will definitely want to check out! It is one great genealogy site! FREE 7 DAY TRIAL

Here is an artistic rendition

family tree