Free Television Online

TV in 2020 is witnessing an incredible development, free television online! No longer will you have to pay large amounts of money to enjoy your favorite programs in the comfort of your home. That ugly not the Cable or Satellite Dish on the side of your home or apartment can be dismantled!! Even better you enjoy TV anywhere you have internet access. This is a MUST HAVE download for your Smartphone, Tablet, or PC.  Our Free TV is the beginning of something truly special. Get set up with a Reward Point System we call the  Tipping Circle. Then you are able to download and activate Free TV. It is all in motion from gaining access to Free TV Broadcasts, and even receiving Reward Points for watching TV.


Next it starts with FREE TV and gets better and better from there. We are able to literally help all around the Globe with this program.


Here are the steps to get you going and Free Television Online is just a part:

  1. Go here and SIGN UP for TippingCircle. After you sign up, you will be connected to “The Performance Giving Network.”
  2. Use the links from the TippingCircle admin area to connect your smartphone, Android or iOS. 
  3. Next register to the E-Newsletter (to the right of this page) so that we can keep you in the loop with new developments.
  4. Finally join the movement as little or as much as you desire. You will be able to follow the details and see where you want to participate. 

Complete the 5 Steps above and you will be on your way! Furthermore, this is just the beginning.


From a big picture perspective, this is just the beginning. As part of “The Performance Giving Network” we have a definite mission. We believe no one should be hungry, or be without the necessities to live a prosperous or healthy life. We are all connected. Native Americans truly understand this concept. “Humans did not weave the web of life, we are merely strands in it. Whatever humans do to the web, humans do to themselves .” ― Chief Seattle. It starts with all of us. We share knowledge and training to teach everyone how important it is to pay it forward. We all deserve to live wonderfully. It is beyond time.