Retirement Advice for Retirees

Those of us who are transitioning into retired life often think of financial planning, insurance and health plans. While those items are very important to research and then make great choices, I discovered I overlooked one critical piece of the puzzle. I hope to share some retirement advice for retirees that may help you in your shift.

So I have been semi-retired since 2018. I think I like calling myself semi-retired so I do not have to acknowledge that I am no longer working in the career I had for over 40 years. I was a teacher, coach, Assistant Principal, Principal, and President over the course of my professional journey. A definite workaholic and I also realized I really enjoyed my profession. When I realized that it was time to consider retirement, I made the decision to choose my ideal place to live and bask in the sun. That was easy. Florida was my destination. Making it happen, now there was the challenge. Being the Irish lass that I am, I made it happen!

In Florida, I started out as an semi-retired educational consultant working remotely for a company based in West Palm Beach. It was hardly part-time as I was traveling to different places to do school leadership coaching. When Covid hit, everything stopped and I knew schools would need to change and so would I.

Suggestions for the Shift

Freedom was exhilarating for a time, but I realized that I needed to be creative and still serve others as I had all my life.

In the following paragraphs I hope to provide retirement advice for retirees that will help you in your journey. Here is a list of areas I am still processing in my transition.


I needed to admit to myself that my work did not define me. Recognizing that your profession is not the totality of your existence is so important to your happiness in retirement. My being consists of my mind, body and most importantly my spirit, and so does yours!


It is easy to begin to feel unproductive and unappreciated. I found myself reviewing past successes and failures. Focusing totally on the past is never healthy. More important is to focus on the power of now. I realized I had control of my emotions and that feeling useless was just a pity party when I knew how well I served others. I vowed I would find a way to do it again.

Open to change

Here comes the hard part! These last three points I am still working through. I know I need to be open to change and accept that my days would look totally different. The security of the school schedule, responding to bells, being in a school community as its leader was over. Discovering what comes next is entirely up to you. There is much freedom in that. It can be sad and painful or it can be a journey of joy. I choose the later. How about you? Letting go of fear is the key!

Reflecting on your gifts and talents

Taking the time to BE and reflect quietly on what you love to do we generally reveal where your gifts and talents are. Asking your self, “what do I really what my life to look like now” Vision it. “What does it feel like?” Then begin stirring the energy by seeking out opportunities to fulfill that vision. Action, not sitting waiting for something to magically happen, is what will bring you insight. One of my favorite quotes is ” Matter Follows Vision.” In other words we create our own reality and have the power to manifest our dreams.


I am a firm believer in Divine Providence. You are never alone and the universe (God Force, however you refer to the Divine) is always seeking your greatest good. You will intuitively know what your next steps are when you go within and ask for the Divine source to provide.

Retirement advice for retirees-you are a wonderful work of joy in progress!

So here I am working through the last three steps. Part of my journey involves this website. I stirred the energy and found a number of things that will certainly fill my retirement days with much joy. I wish the same for you. See you on the open highway!