The Beatles-The Fab Four

When I tell people, especially the younger generation, I saw the Beatles-the Fab Four LIVE in concert, their expression is disbelief. I am not sure if that’s because they think I must be really old or they just love the Beatles! It was September 15, 1964 in Cleveland, Ohio at the Public Auditorium. I was in eighth grade and I went with one of my best friends. My memory of the experience is vivid.

The Beatles the Fab Four

How did this love affair begin you may wonder? It began one night as I sat in front of my black and white television with my family. I was sitting on the floor with my tape recorder getting ready to watch the Ed Sullivan Show. With my finger poised upon the record button, I waited patiently. I was about to fall in love with the Beatles-The Fab Four.

The Beatles the Fab Four

Of course they were the last guest to perform. Finally screams ushered them onto the stage and they began singing, “I Want to Hold Your Hand.” I was immediately smitten by George. The quiet looking ones always get me. I think it is because they seem mysterious. Any way that is were it all began and I still have that old tape stashed away with my other Beatles memorabilia.

The Beatles-The Fab Four Conquer Cleveland

There was so much excitement in Cleveland over the Beatles that I could hardly contain myself. To think I would be breathing the same air as George Harrison was intoxicating. They had a lottery just to be selected to buy tickets. Fortunately, I was selected. So early one Saturday morning my father took me downtown to stand in line to buy tickets. My father scored 2 tickets in the 11th row from the stage!! I was in heaven. Now all I had to do was wait until Sept. 15, 1964.

The day finally arrived and I still cannot believe my father let me go to the concert. After all I was just 13 years old. I found out years later that when my father asked my older sister’s advice, she advocated for me to attend.

Cleveland Beatle Fans Go Crazy

The Magical Day Arrives

I never could have anticipated what I was about to experience. My father drove me and my friend to Public Auditorium in downtown Cleveland and dropped us off at the front. At the time the venue seated 11,000.

As we entered there were literally thousands of people searching for their seats. We were in the Orchestra on the floor in Row 11. As we made our way closer and closer to the stage my friend and I giggled with excitement that we would be so close to our heroes.

Cleveland Public auditorium

We took our seats and everyone around us was immersed in excitement. Finally the Fab Four made their way onto to the stage and there was an eruption of sound and flashing lights like I have never seen in my life! Everyone, including us, jumped to their feet. Screaming, shouting the name of their favorite Beatle, I found myself doing the same thing. “George, I love you!” As if he could hear me! No one could hear anything. The energy in the place was explosive.

Chaos in Cleveland Ensued

The next thing we saw was the aisles filled with people rushing the stage. It was a herd of unbridled passion rushing towards the Beatles. Girls were pulling their hair and wildly trying to straddle the tops of the chairs so they could see better. My first thought was YES, let’s rush the stage and get closer. But luckily my sense of survival prevailed as I realized the girls behind us were trying to use our shoulders to balance themselves on the back of our chairs! I could see the crazed look called Beatlemania was overtaking the crowd and I was not sure how it was going to be contained.

My friend and I stayed where we were as we realized how out of control the whole situation was. The screaming was ear-piercing and the flashes of lights from every direction was blinding. Girls were falling, fainting and ripping off their clothes. I was frightened but my biggest fear was what happened next.

The Beatles the Fab Four

Suddenly the Beatles-the Fab Four were being removed from the stage as a large police officer took the microphone. He bellowed that the Beatles were being removed from performing until we all were back in our seats and quiet. Quiet? You have got to be kidding! When we began realizing he might be serious, people started dispersing. I was so glad we stayed in our seats, and did not join in the hysteria. We learned much later that many injuries, some serious, resulted from the frenzy.

Restoring Order for the Beatles-the Fab Four

It was amazing to me how a relative calm ensued. Yes, we continued to yell “we want the Beatles!” but the moment of chaos had passed. After about ten minutes or so the Beatles returned to the stage and completed the concert. We still screamed and sang along with them, but the police, lining the stage now, had restored order.

The Beatles-the Fab Four

As my friend and I left the concert, our throats were sore, our ears were plugged. and our voices sounded as if we inhaled helium. We laughed with glee and relief that it was over. We had been in the presence of our idols and created a memory we both would never forget! My father was waiting for us outside and I saw a feeling of relief come over his face as he ushered us into our car. Years later when I reminisced about the experience, I realized how difficult that was for my father and what a gift he truly had given me.

Next Day News

The next day the newspapers reported how many terrible things had occurred at the Beatles Concert.

The Beatles and all concerts of a similar nature were banned in Cleveland. The ban was lifted in 1966 and the Beatles returned a second time to Cleveland, It could not compare the experience of the 1964 concert for sure. The venue was much larger, the Cleveland Stadium, and the city was prepared. This clip below gives you a feel for the aftermath in the city after the concert in 1964. Take a look at a book on the both concerts here!

I would love to hear from you if you were part of Beatlemania too! Click on box at the top of the page>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>