Brain Boosting Supplements Velovita

We are always researching and asking questions. Our latest quest was to learn more about brain boosting supplements. We are not prone to write about a product without trying it and learning about it ourselves. To our surprise this product is the real deal! After just a few days we knew this product called Velovita definitely worked.

Brān Reimagined

Velovita has created a brain boosting supplement known as “Brān Reimagined.” Basically it is a premium stacked nootropic with 16 nutrients that are designed to immediately boost your brain functions. But what is a nootropic you wonder? A trendy word now, it is defined in Webster’s dictionary as a substance that enhances cognition and memory. For those of you who love linguistics, the word has Greek origins. “Nous” which means mind and “tropein” which means to bend, these two Greek word come together to form the word “nootropic.” Originally the word nootropic referred to synthetic substances. However today it more broadly refers to anything that improves cognitive functions.

BENEFITS of Velovita’s Brain Boosting Supplements

There are so many benefits that this supplement provides. It supports positive thinking and improves your focus. You will experience improved mental acuity and alertness. The fog that you may find yourself in near the end of the day will subside. You will feel more alert. Your mood, your memory and your ability to learn will get that extra boost that you may need to meet the needs of your busy day.

In a nutshell, you will amplify your life and support your brain functions in the following ways:

  • Boost Your Mental Energy
  • Instant Mental and Physical Boost
  • Improve Your Athletic Performance
  • Support Positive Thinking
  • Support Feelings of Calmness
  • Boost Your Mental Performance
  • Improve Your Mental Acuity
  • Improve Your Focus and Alertness

Amplify Your Life today with Brain Boosting Supplements

We need to feed the brain in this world of complexity and stress!!! Velovita’s brain boosting supplements do just that! Your brain affects speech, thought, learning, emotion, and movement. It processes sensory information such as touch, temperature, and pain. The brain is so complex as it affects vision, hearing and memory and plays an important part in coordinating posture, movement and balance.

So in today’s ever-changing world your brain’s operating system could use a little help. Velovita has made it possible for you to create the ultimate transformation that will allow you to amplify the positives in your life!


For me personally I have noticed a difference in my energy level, my mood and my alertness. The most dramatic thing for me at first is I noticed my eyesight was sharper and more crisp. I also began noticing that my concentration through hours of computer work improved and my sense of accomplishment at the end of the day was greater. Improving my sleep patterns, these brain boosting supplements also allowed me to experience a calm and relaxed sleep.

Velovita’s Mission and Vision

Velovita’s Mission is “To provide an ecosystem of inspiration, education, and life enrichment. Velovita has a singular focus on the individual; to increase their daily performance both mentally and physically.”

Velovita “envisions a worldwide movement of people realizing their greatest potential by providing an environment whereby technology and tradition unite to create a platform for everyone to thrive.”

“Fuel your brain, feed your mind.” ~Kosta Gara, Velovita, CEO.

Learning how to be in the state of flow is so worth it! Brān naturally assist the brain in achieving balance. The brain is like the engine of a car. It needs fuel and check-ups to keep the car running like a dream. In a car we all want a smooth ride that also can endure the road. Our brain is no different! We want a balanced life where we can drive through the daily challenges we meet successfully!

Join me in creating the ultimate transformation that will allow you to amplify the positives in your life!